OGC API - Moving Features
OGC API Standards define modular API building blocks that spatially enable Web APIs in a consistent way. OpenAPI is used to define the reusable API building blocks with responses in JSON and HTML.
The OGC API family of Standards is organized by resource type. The OGC API – Moving Features standard describes an API that provides access to representations of Moving Features that conform to the OGC Moving Features JSON encoding standard. The Standard also provides access to functionality comparable to that of the OGC Moving Features Access standard.
Overview of OGC API - Moving Features
The OGC API - Moving Features Standard is an extension of the OGC API - Common and the OGC API - Features Standards.
Catalog of Moving Feature Collection
GET /collections
Retrieve catalogs of moving features collection.
POST /collections
Register metadata about a collection of moving features.
GET /collections/{collectionId}
Access metadata about the collection with id collectionId.
DELETE /collections/{collectionId}
The collection catalog with id collectionId and including metadata and moving features SHOULD be deleted.
PUT /collections/{collectionId}
Replace metadata about the collection with id collectionId.
GET /collections/{collectionId}/items
Retrieve moving feature collection to access the static information of the moving feature by simple filtering and a limit.
POST /collections/{collectionId}/items
Insert a set of moving features or a moving feature into a collection with id collectionId.
GET /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}
Access the static data of the moving feature with id mFeatureId. The static data of a moving feature is not included temporal geometries and temporal properties.
DELETE /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}
Delete a single moving feature with id mFeatureId and including temporal geometries and properties.
GET /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence
Retrieve the movement data of the single moving feature with id mFeatureId.
POST /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence
Add movement data into the moving feature with id mFeatureId.
DELETE /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}
Delete a singe temporal geometry with id tGeometryId.
GET /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tgsequence/{tGeometryId}/{queryType}
Query for temporal primitive geometries.
GET /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties
Retrieve the static information of the temporal property data that included a single moving feature with id mFeatureId. The static data of a temporal property is not included temporal values (property values).
POST /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties
Add temporal property data into a moving feature with id mFeatureId.
GET /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyId}
Retrieve temporal values from a temporal property with a specified identifier tPropertyId.
POST /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyId}
Add more temporal values data into a temporal property with id tPropertyId.
DELETE /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyId}
Delete temporal property with id tPropertyId.
DELETE /collections/{collectionId}/items/{mFeatureId}/tproperties/{tPropertyId}/{tValueId}
Delete temporal values data from a temporal property with id tPropertyId.